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Olympic Flame Cyprus
HealthManagement.orgSponsor Icon is an integrated health information portal which serves as a key resource for best practices in health leadership and management. It unites specialist platforms such as Imaging, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Administration, Information Technology (IT), and Cardiology.
+357 25 822 133 | View ProfileLimassol, Limassol Cyprus
Constantinos Michael (Clinical Psychologist)Sponsor
Constantinos Michael (Clinical Psychologist) Icon
Day-care clinic, designed to provide diagnostic and treatment services to patients. The services are provided at appointments.
22 653700 | View ProfileNicosia, Cyprus
Paraskeva KonstantinaSponsor
Paraskeva Konstantina Icon
Go4lenses was founded with the sole purpose of providing you with quality contact lenses and furthermore optical frames with single vision prescription at great prices. Our company has two optometrists ready to solve any problem and answer any question you may have and guide you to the right choice and the most suitable items for you. Our company has been in the market for almost 20 years and decided to take the next step and offer online services.
00357-22-516604 | View ProfileNicosia, 2044 , Cyprus
HeavyMetalDetox Icon
We are passionate about your health and our team of scientific experts led by Dr. George Georgiou who has over 35 years experience in the field of natural healthcare and detoxification.
View ProfileLarnaca, Cyprus
Brain Rehab Distribution LimitedSponsor
Brain Rehab Distribution Limited Icon
Brain.Rehab is an Online Stroke & Brain Injury Home Rehabilitation Platform for a speedy recovery, ongoing improvement, Training and Motivation. Register Now For a Free Trail!
+31 6 25522222 | View ProfileKouklia, Kouklia Cyprus
Health Icon
Tüp Bebek Sonrasi Gebelikte Dikkat Edilmesi GerekenlerTüp bebek tedavisinin her asamasi dikkat gerektiren asamalardir. Tüp bebek tedavisi sirasinda gebelik durumunun olusmasina kadar olan süreçte anne adayinin dinlenmesi, dikkatli ilaç kullanilmasi, çok fazla seyahat etmemesi gerekmektedir. Anne adayinin stresli olmamasi ve beslenmesine dikkat etmesi gerekmektedir. Tüp bebek tedavisini uygulayip gebe kalan anneler ilk 3 ay boyunca çok dikkatli olmalidirlar. Çünkü anne adayinin gebe kaldiktan sonra ilk aylar düsük yapma sansizligi bulunmaktadir. Bu yüzden gebelikte ilk 3 ay çok önemlidir. Tüp bebek tedavisi ile gebe kaldiktan sonra doktorunuzun tavsiyelerine uymalisiniz. Hamileyken çok fazla agir kaldirmak normal gebelikte oldugu gibi tüp bebek gebeliginde de sakincalidir. Tedavi süresince hizlik ve ani hareketler yapmaktan kaçinmalisiniz. Yukari dogru uzanmamaya özen göstermelisiniz. Mutlaka ama mutlaka doktorunuzun size verecegi beslenme sekline uyun. Çünkü yedikleriniz yani beslenme sekliniz bebegi dogrudan etkileyebildigi için dengeli ve saglikli beslenmelisiniz. Tüp bebek sonrasi dikkat etmeniz gereken bir diger önemli nokta ise su tüketiminizdir. Bu süreçte bol bol su tüketmelisiniz. Çünkü siviya olan ihtiyaciniz bu süreçte daha da artacaktir. Çok agir spor yapmamalisiniz. Bunun yerine günlük olarak yapacaginiz kisa süreli tempolu yürüyüsleri seçmelisiniz. Alkol ve sigaradan kesinlikle uzak durmalisiniz. Tedavi süresi boyunca kullanmaniz gereken ilaçlari aksatmadan dok
View Profilefamagusta, Cyprus
Dr Granitsas Orthopedic ClinicSponsor
Dr Granitsas Orthopedic Clinic Icon
Dr. Granitsas is an orthopedic surgeon in Nicosia, Cyprus. He specializes in knee & hip arthroplasty, back pain injections for lower back pain, and arthroscopy.
357 22 552210 | View ProfileNicosia, Cyprus
Dr. Christos Roukoudis/ Gynecologist NicosiaSponsor
Dr. Christos Roukoudis/ Gynecologist Nicosia Icon
Dr. Christos Roukoudis was born and raised in Germany. He obtained the specialty title of Obstetrics / Gynecology after working at the Hameln and Fürth Hospitals in Germany. As curator of the gynecology department at the Firtis Hospital, he gained expertise in minimally invasive surgery, pelvic floor surgery, breast diseases (Firtis Breast Center) and the treatment of high-risk pregnancies.He also worked at the Baden-Baden Fertility Clinic in Germany where he specialized in the treatment of endometriosis and adenomyosis. She then moved to Alicante, Spain where she joined one of the most recognized assisted reproduction (IVF) centers. There, he expanded his knowledge on infertility treatment, helping couples realize their dream of becoming parents.
+35797431007 | View ProfileNicosia, Cyprus